Video 1-1 - Analysis Overview

This video is part of a 4-part series in which I attempt to build an MTT strategy that can be executed at the tables. In this series, I will be examining single raised pots where an in-position player opens and is faced with a Big Blind defense. I have solved all 1755 strategically unique flops for a HJ open vs BB defense at 50 BB effective stacks. I've also solved these boards for UTG and BTN opens and at 25 BB and 75 BB effective stacks, allowing me to examine 9 different formation/stack size combinations. I will start with aggregate reports (macro) and drill into individual solutions (micro) to synthesize a strategy that can be simplified across all IP vs BB scenarios.

In this first video, I introduce the analysis and walk through my goals for the entire series. I walk through the ranges I have utilized and the parameters for my solver databases. Finally, I outline the entire 4-part series and what I plan to examine within each video.

All GTO+ databases, Flopzilla files, and Excel workbooks that I demonstrate in this video series can be downloaded here. The latest version of the Excel file that I demo throughout the series is posted, so the downloaded version may appear more advanced than is demonstrated in some of the earlier videos.

Due to platform constraints within Teachable, this video is split into two parts.

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